Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey is still out in theaters after the name change and fans are still pulling for this decidedly fun film. Many of them flocked to Twitter to voice their reasons to support the movie and the voices were loud and clear. Birds of Prey is still enjoying good audience scores despite the name stuff. These kinds of arguments have popped up all over the place since the movie hit theaters. Just as Birds of Prey has had its critics, there are a lot of fans that have rallied to ensure that the film doesnt go out on such a sour note.
People scratched their heads at it when she first mentioned the ides of Birds of Prey. But now, the film is in theaters and her version of Harley Quinn is so popular that shell be in the upcoming The Suicide Squad as well. In her own words to Collider, she wanted a girl gang movie and thats the exact tone this film is providing audiences.
I pitched the idea of an R-rated girl gang film including Harley, because I was like, Harley needs friends. Harley loves interacting with people, so dont ever make her do a standalone film, she explained. Shes got to be with other people, it should be a girl gang. I wasnt seeing enough girl gangs on screen, especially in the action space. So that was always a big part of it.
The film was Margots ultimate dream and it took her, along with all the amazing cast and crew to deliver a unique and vibrant film that is one of the most fun times Ive had in theaters. Its Harley Quinn unleashed to the fullest and everyone shines. ?#ReasonsToSupportBoP pic.twitter.com/aBmu3diTbS
Haven of Harley? (@QuinnofDiamonds) February 15, 2020
And then, of course, having a female director to tell that story. And giving a female director the chance to do big budget stuff, Robbie continued. They always get Heres the tiny little film I was like, I love action. I love action films. Im a girl. What, are we meant to only like a specific thing? So it was a hugely important to find a female director for this, if possible. But at the end of the day male, female the best director gets the job and Cathy was the best director.
Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey is now in theaters. Upcoming DC movies include Wonder Woman 1984 on June 5th, The Batman on June 25, 2021, The Suicide Squad on August 6, 2021, Black Adam on December 22, 2021, Shazam! 2 on April 1, 2022, The Flash on July 1, 2022, and Aquaman 2 on December 16, 2022.
1. Well-crafted script with significant character arcs that converge into a coherent story.
2. The characters are written with heart, love, and respect towards the source material.
3. The humour is smart and the actors deliver their best performances. pic.twitter.com/lYkHe7cIh2
Helena Wayne Huntress (@HelenaWayneBlog) February 15, 2020
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