I so chose Green lantern: New guards for Godhead and started to wonder. Exactly is the power set for a White lantern? Kyle seemed to be withering reality or some garbage.
Every White Lantern carries a power ring enabling the bearer to generate white energy constructions driven by life itself. Described as "godlike," Sinestro, the first user of the Entity, shows the ability to easily wipe swarms of Black Lanterns. He also seems to heal from an apparently deadly cut within minutes. Hal Jordan shows the capacity to generate extra rings and bring heroes claimed by Nekron to life when he holds the power.
Deadman shows he can revive a dead bird when he has a white ring. He can also turn the ground Prometheus wrecked into a rich forest. Deadman had been unable to access the capabilities of the ring himself, hence this seemed to be the work of the Entity.
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Like black rings, white rings first have no charge. The ring gains power level when the wearer welcomes life once more. Unknown is what occurs when a white ring achieves one hundred percent charge. The only thing known is Deadman felt someone would die from the ring charging itself. Deadman was obliged to meet the Hawks where the ring assigned him a second labor when the ring reached 100%; yet, when Carter and Shiera disobeyed, both lovers allegedly were supposedly turned to white dust in the process.
First seen at the end of the Blackest Night story, the White Lantern Rings destroyed Black Lantern Rings under control of still-living heroes as well as resurrected certain heroes and villains who had passed death. White Lantern Rings possess the same powers as any other ring. Still, Sinestro and Hal Jordan are the only ones portrayed creating constructions using the energies of the rings. White is a neutral hue in the Electromagnetic Spectrum, hence it may be argued that, should White so want, White can replace the abilities of all other Power Rings. The White Light rewritten his Green Lantern Ring along with the rings of any other corps (including Black Lantern Corpsmen) when Sinestro had the Entity taken from him and Hal Jordan replaced him as host of the Entity. The force of the white light of creation finds expression in the white circles. She can therefore project and control the white light.
That said, all that material linked with the stuff around "The Entity," The Labors of the Twelve, and all the elemental stuff that was going on the Brightest Day back then. Certainly, considering that Swamp Thing no longer looks to be the replacement Entity and all the other elemental stuff is being neglected it seems reasonable to say things played out a bit differently in the history of the New 52.