A new Star Wars game will reportedly be revealed next week on June 9. More specifically, a new report is claiming that the previously leaked Star Wars: Project Maverick will be officially revealed by Electronic Arts and EA Motive this coming Tuesday. Unfortunately, this is where the salient details dry up. Theres no word on what the game is, what platforms it will be on, or when its releasing, but we should hear about all of this and more soon.
The report comes way of Star Wars page Bespin Bulletin, a source that has proven reliable in the past and is trusted by many fans of the long-running and popular sci-fi franchise. Further, the report comes on the back of another recent report that claimed the game was going to be revealed this week. In other words, weve heard this before. However, its safe to assume the original plan was to reveal the game this week, but this plan was delayed due to the George Floyd protests.
Whats interesting about this potential date is that its ahead of EA Play, which was originally set to go down on June 11, but after todays postponement, it will now go down on June 18. On the surface level, this seems weird. Why would EA reveal a game nine days before its big event? Well, lets not forget that EA has done this in the past, so it wouldnt be that strange. Star Wars is also big enough to get its own day. Besides, if this report is true, EA can double dip. It can reveal the game on Tuesday and then show it off more at EA Play.
That said, as always, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing here is official, and even if everything here is correct, its subject to change.
As for the game itself, we first heard about back in March when it leaked online. In the past, its been unofficially described as a smaller, experimental title, and it sounds like its going to be a space combat game. If you want, you can read more about the rumored title by clicking right here.
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