PlayStation boss Jim Ryan addressed the PS5 price during a new interview. Right now, the next-gen PlayStation console is available to pre-order for $700, but its unlikely it will actually cost this much. That said, on multiple occasions Sony has suggested the PS5 could be a bit on the expensive side, a suggestion Ryan seemingly echoed during the aforementioned interview. Ryan doesnt disclose the price outright, but frames the conversation in terms of value.
According to the PlayStation boss, Sony is less focused on price, and more focused on getting the value equation right. What this exactly means, is anyones best guess, but it doesnt sound like the words of a man sitting on a cheap console.
Conventional wisdom and history show that our business is one of the more recession-proof businesses, said Ryan while speaking to BBC. But I think this will sharpen our need to ensure that we focus on getting the value equation right. And I emphasize value as opposed to price.
Unfortunately, this is where Ryan stopped. Sony isnt ready to talk about the consoles price point, and that could be because its waiting for Microsoft to make the first move. Its also possible its sitting on the reveal because it knows it may not go down well, or maybe its simply a marketing decision. Alas, for now, all we can do is speculate.
The general consensus is the PS5 will cost $500. While every time Sony talks about the consoles cost it makes the console sound pricey, theres no way it will charge $600. Thats how much the PS3 cost, and theyve acknowledged this was a mistake many times.
Meanwhile, they could ask $550, but consoles typically come with a price tag that ends in 99. Why? Well, research shows that consumers are just as likely to pay for something thats $299 as they are $250. Whats important is the first number. Meanwhile, a price in between will often make consumers think they are actually getting upcharged $50 rather than saving $50. If you want, you can read more about why we think the console will cost $500 by clicking right here.
The PlayStation 5 is currently scheduled to release worldwide sometime later this year. Below, you can continue to read more about the next-gen system:
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