Comics have long been a part of Sonic the Hedgehogs history, but Sega has mostly kept the two universes separate, over the years. That seems to be changing, however, as Tangle and Whisper are coming to Sonic Forces Mobile! The two characters originally appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic from IDW Publishing before getting a limited series spin-off. Its a major change for the brand, and it could open up the possibility of more original comic characters coming to games in the future. Naturally, Sonic fans are excited, and many are talking about whether or not this could lead to appearances in console games, as well. Time will tell if there ends up being more connective tissue between the two, but its definitely exciting news for Sonic fans, regardless!
Fearless friends and fan favourites Tangle & Whisper join #SonicForces Mobile. Both rare runners will arrive into the battle in a 3-part event!
SEGA HARDlight (@SEGAHARDlight) June 28, 2020
Are you a fan of IDWs Sonic comics? What do you think about Tangle and Whisper coming to Sonic Forces Mobile? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
Keep reading to find out what fans are saying about Tangle and Whisper in Sonic Forces Mobile!
Sonic fans have been looking for some good news, lately.
Im so happy rn Im crying I love tangle and whisper so muchh ??
holly says: support blm or else (@burgerwithfrys) June 29, 2020
Maybe it will lead to more!
Sonic Forces Speed Battle is a popular mobile game, and one that doesnt feature any voice acting
But. I wonder. If reaction to playable Tangle and Whisper are good, could we some day see them in a bigger game?
Would be interesting to see the casting choices there
Friend Cluster (@WynneCluster) June 28, 2020
Console game next please, Sega?
legit all day ive been thinking about the potential that tangle and whisper have now that theyve appeared in an official game
ness ?s scourge (@weathersui) June 29, 2020
The news might even get some people to try Sonic Forces mobile!
Seeing tangle and whisper in sonic forces mobile kinda makes me want to get the app ngl
Blueloops (@corruptiontale) June 28, 2020
Pretty wild, to be honest.
I never thought thered be a game where you can see Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, Movie Sonic, and Tangle and Whisper all in the same place.
BlueStreak (@streak_of_blue) June 28, 2020
Gaming is keeping us all going, right now.
Lets See:
>Min-Min is revealed as the new Smash Fighter
>Crash has a NEW game coming in just a few months
>Tangle and Whisper are being added Forces Speed BattleSo far, the only good things in 2020 for me are all Game related.
John Guerra (@Scourgey) June 29, 2020
You cant please everyone.
So Tangle and Whisper from IDW Sonic will be showing up in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. First time any comic exclusive sonic character has appeared in an official Sonic game, neat I really dont play Speed Battle anymore. Wish they were in Sonic Dash instead.
MeltingMan234 (@MeltingMan234) June 28, 2020
Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS.