Since people began to self-isolate over a month ago, many celebrities have been extra active on social media, including Tom Holland. Since quarantining began, Holland has provided some updates on Instagram, revealing that he was sick recently, but didnt think it was COVID-19. Hes also been keeping the rest of the Avengers (and Deadpool) in shape by challenging his co-stars to push-ups via social media as well as the popular handstand t-shirt challenge. This week, he also warmed fans hearts by showing some extra love to his Spider-Man: Far From Home co-star, Jake Gyllenhaal. Today, the actor is back on Instagram to capture his social distancing feelings with an image from Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Me watching people socialising on Instagram #spidermanhomecoming, Holland wrote. The post got some great replies: How big was the spider Peter? Peter it was this big, @bosslogic joked. This looks like it has the potential to become a meme, @sammixg pointed out. I miss Homecoming days, @allforyoutholland added. You should make a short film with your housemates called Spider-Man: Stay at Home, @swaleha08 suggested. You can check out the image Holland posted below:
Holland isnt the first person involved with the Spider-Man movies to use Homecoming to comment on the current pandemic. The movies director, Jon Watts, returned to Instagram after a long hiatus to show a message of support for fans.
Right now, the story of Marvels Spider-Man threequel is unknown but has been greatly hyped by the cast and crew. In fact, franchise star Tom Holland just recently called it downright insane. Thats not a surprising claim, given how Spider-Man: Far From Home ended with the villain Mysterio revealing Peter Parkers identity as Spider-Man to the world. Speaking with Inquirer.Net, Holland recently confirmed earlier reports that Marvels Spider-Man 3 will be shooting this summer: Im super happy about it. We will be shooting Spider-Man 3 in July in Atlanta. Unfortunately, with the threat of COVID-19, its unclear if production is still set for the coming months.
For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
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