One Batman cosplayer is driving his Batmobile around the streets of Mexico to help enforce coronavirus quarantine. Telediario managed to interview the Caped Crusader about why hes chasing this particular mission right now in Monterrey. The man in question is trying to raise awareness and do his part to remind people to stay at home. There havent been on-foot patrols because of social distancing, but that just meant it was time to take that sick ride out and use the technology at hand to make it happen. Surprisingly, there were people still out and about in some social media videos of Batman roaming around the city.
Today I saw entire families, with children. Even though the government has told people that they must remain at home, he told the publication. you still see people in the street acting as if nothing were happening. I cant solve this situation on my own, so Im making a call to all of Nuevo León to join me and others and be superheroes like us. Stay at home, the Bat-Fan added. I understand that the situation is complicated, that people are desperate, that its really hot but, well, turn on the TV, spend time with your families, take advantage of this time.
Nuevo Leon is the state where Monterrey is located and they just announced stricter limits on movement throughout the city. There are enhanced checkpoints to and from the territory in effect to help prevent looting and shortages of goods. Government officials have seen enough of people disregarding their warnings and is tightening up. Both their Ministry of Health and State Health Secretary have issued statements about how badly need to stay home. There is concern that Easter will present a significant problem. That Batman is doing his part, but one man can only do so much.
En las calles del centro de #Monterrey se vio al Batimóvil patrullando y mandando un mensaje a la ciudadanía para resguardarse en sus casas y evitar la propagación del #coronavirus.
Portal MX (desde ?) (@PortalMX_) March 28, 2020
According to the World Health Organization, who officially dubbed the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic last week, there are over 200,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide with 16,556 new cases diagnosed in the last 24 hours and over 8700 deaths around the globe. In the United States, there have been over 15,000 confirmed cases with 201 deaths as of this writing.
For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
What would you do if you saw a Batmobile just rolling down the street? Let us know in the comments!
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