Call of Duty: Warzone is getting new Fortnite-style events in the near future, according to Infinity Ward. The news comes way of the studios narrative director Taylor Kurosaki, who says theyve been using the cinematic intros for each season, plus trailers, to continue the story of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. However, this is apparently just a taste of whats to come.
Weve talked a lot in the past about whether games like Fortnite have a narrative, said Kurosaki while speaking to Venture Beat. I would say yes, absolutely. Id say Warzone does as well. But for me, its in a genre and a tone that I greatly prefer.
Kurosaki continued, noting that the team wants to borrow the Fortnite template to tell stories and expand the Call of Duty lore via Warzone, however, these events will fill into the world of Modern Warfare. In other words, these events wont establish a separate world for Warzone, but more intimately combine it with Modern Warfare and the story its campaign tells.
Thats exactly the kind of thing that were working on, that we have planned, said Kurosaki, speaking in reference to Fortnites black hole event. Again, its all going to fit into this macro that weve established in Modern Warfare, and that weve continued into Warzone. If you know who the players are in Modern Warfare, itll all make sense, and itll all feel appropriate to the universe.:
Of course, it makes sense Infinity Ward wants to use Warzone to expand interest in the universe of Modern Warfare. After all, theres a good chance the studios next game will be a reboot of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
That said, right now theres no word on when we will see or start to hear more about these events, but it sounds like its something Infinity Ward already has in the pipeline.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available, for free, via the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. For more coverage on the game including recent news, rumors, and leaks be sure to take a moment and check out all of our past and all of our most recent articles pertaining to the best-selling first-person shooter by clicking right here.
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