Universals live-action adaptation of Cats arrived on Video on Demand on Tuesday, providing both a blessing and a curse to curious moviegoers. The live-action adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webbers iconic musical terrified and delighted audiences when it debuted last year, in part thanks to the bizarre digital fur technology it used to turn its human actors into felines. Thanks to the films home release, fans are able to experience the film in a whole new way especially with some unsettling special features included with the download. A tweet from Twitter user @whyangelinawhy recently went viral, which shows off a piece of upsetting concept art that was used in the films development.
Im watching the extras for the Cats movie and this concept art is killinggg meeee pic.twitter.com/Fq2W1UsYzd
angelina christina (@whyangelinawhy) March 17, 2020
Its honestly hard to say if this concept art is better or worse than the finished product of Cats, which featured uncanny faces and a heavy helping of VFX errors, including Bustopher Jones (James Corden) arm disappearing randomly during a scene and Old Deuteronomy (Judi Dench) sporting a human hand with a wedding ring. This caused the film to make the unprecedented movie of sending a revised version of the film to theaters days after its initial release, which promised to feature some improved visual effects.
I didnt think it was going to be a big deal, and it was obviously much more of a big deal than I thought, director Tom Hooper said in a previous interview. Reading some of the commentary was pretty entertaining.
I think probably my original dream to use a lot of the human face had gotten perhaps a bit lost in that process of rushing to make that first trailer, Hooper continued. I really concentrated on bringing back the actors faces because when youve got Ian McKellen or Judi Dench or Taylor Swift, why would you not want to? I dont know if thats what the comments were asking for, but what I took from it was that I needed to reconnect with my original plan and make sure I was delivering on that.
What do you think of the concept art for Cats? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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