Over the last few generations, the Pokemon games have added a number of gimmicks to spice up the gameplay. Pokemon X and Y introduced Mega Evolutions, Pokemon Sun and Moon brought in Z-Moves and Regional Variants, while Pokemon Sword and Shield introduced the Dynamax phenomenon. Thanks to a tweet from @trainer_tarun, fans have been debating which of these should be eliminated, and the newest addition is trending since its the one that many Pokemon fans seem to agree on. Not everyone dislikes the Dynamax and Gigantamax feature, but its interesting to see it trending, as a result. Perhaps in time fans will feel differently about it!
Are you a fan of Dynamax Pokemon? Which gimmick would you cut from the Pokemon games? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
Keep reading to see what Pokemon fans are saying about Dynamax!
A lot of Pokemon players want to see Mega Evolutions return.
No doubt,
Dynamax/Gigantamax! Bring back Mega Evolutions!! https://t.co/Wqys7VRdir
Bernardo?? (@BSalto17) June
9, 2020
Some people really dislike Dynamax!
Dynamax is such
an Unimaginative gimmick. Get rid of it forever
Imscaredcry (@imscaredcry) June
8, 2020
Others just prefer Dynamax less than the other options.
slowly grown to appreciate Z-moves and Dynamax on their own, but
compared to Megas and Regional variantsNah man, in the trash they
go.Ill always go for Megas. https://t.co/e6FxLjMZUQ
? BlueKnuckle ? Stay safe while you protest! (@blueharukaARTS) June
9, 2020
To be fair, Kaiju Mega Evolution kind of sounds awesome.
Dynamax no questions asked
Also Gigantamax is literally just Kaiju mega evolution https://t.co/sCL02bFwbK
Xp (@XpOverdrive) June 8, 2020
Plenty of fans like Dynamax, though!
what the honk are people choosing dynamax
fori thought it was agreed it was a pretty cool
mechanic and i thought it was only really op in singles which
isnt even what competitive is built around
anywayits leagues more interesting than
z-moves mang scrap them !!Meowrgan The Bagel
Princess (@BagelHonky) June
9, 2020
Z-Moves seem to be at the bottom of the list for many fans.
Regional forms are brilliant. Megas are unbalanced displays
of favoritism but still really cool. Dynamax creates an interesting
doubles meta even if its busted in
singles.Z-moves were a cool idea, but kinda janky,
ESPECIALLY status moves. I say Z-moves get the axe.
Sean Fay Wolfe (@seanfaywolfe) June
9, 2020
The next addition might change some tunes.
Not surprised
that the hate for Dmax got it trending rn lol. Yall hated Megas when
they dropped too and got it trending as well. Omg why can Blaziken
evolve again this is so dumb GF is stealing and getting old like PLSS
LOL. Yall will love dynamax when next gen rolls
aroundPokéWitch Xania (@SkinnySnubbull) June
9, 2020
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