Netflixs latest true crime docuseries Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness has taken popular culture by storm. The wildly popular series which follows the complex and frequently shocking story of big cat conservationist Joe Exotic and the various characters that make up the strange, interconnected world he operates in has been at the top of the Netflix Top 10 list and has spawned countless memes and other reactions from fans online since its debut on March 20. Its also prompted fan demand for something truly spectacular: a Lisa Frank style take on Joe Exotic and his big cat world and now the official Lisa Frank Instagram account is giving fans just what they want sharing a truly bonkers and amazing piece of fan art.
On Instagram, Lisa Frank shared an over the top piece of fan art created using various Lisa Frank characters and styles featuring Joe Exotic and, well, its like the post says: the internet gets what the internet wants. Check it out for yourself below.
Of course, giving the internet what it wants means fans have a lot to say about this wild piece of art. Fans are straight up loving the bold, vibrant Lisa Frank-style take on Joe Exotic, whom the internet already decided was if a Lisa Frank notebook was a person. So, sit back, enjoy that fan art and then read on for some of the best and craziest reactions to the Lisa Frank-ization of Joe Exotic. Trust us, youll love it.
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness is now streaming on Netflix.
I am hollering!!!!!!! I loooooooved me some Lisa Frank in school omg I felt so rich lol + Tiger King was hilarious lol
Ianthia Ferguson (@iamianthia) March 31, 2020
Gonna need a whole line
Lisa Frank Posted This Drawing Of Joe Exotic From Tiger King Looking Like The Cover Of One Their Notebooks And Its Truly Art
Um, I am going to need a whole line of these.
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Daniel Rojas (@Dani3Rojo) March 31, 2020
ComicBook Nation Podcast: In this new episode we talk about Rosario Dawson joining Star Wars, The Batman being delayed, and Star Trek: Picards Finale! Listen & Subscribe!
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