Michael Shannon spoke out about Zack Snyders Justice League. During an appearance on the LightCast Pod, he spoke about how happy he was for the director. Shannon has been vocal about how nice of a person Snyder was to him while filming Man of Steel. The reaction to that movie is still being wildly debated despite the new version of Justice League being announced. With that on the horizon, fans are dreaming of how amazing all of this could be if Snyder is allowed to go to the lengths he wants to. However, fans should not be expecting to see Zod pop up in Zack Snyders Justice League. Well, at least Michael Shannon is not letting the cat out of the bag about anything hes heard. Hes really happy that the filmmaker is getting a second chance.
He began, Ill tell you what I know, my friend Zack Snyder, he had a rough go of it. Between the struggles with his family and what he went through with Warner Bros. Zack is a sweet, kind, gentle, hardworking conscientious human being. I hope that this release gives him some sort of satisfaction or vindication or whatever. Because hes such a good person, he deserves better than what hes been dealing with.
For the people who still have a problem with how Man of Steel wrapped up, Shannon is telling them theres a method to the madness. It seems like the choice to have Superman cross that line was very intentional. The Zod actor said as much in a conversation with CinemaBlend.
No, I didnt think there was any other way to end, it, really, Shannon bluntly intoned. I mean, Zod says its either me or you. Im not gonna let you survive. I will kill you, unless you kill me. And that seemed sufficiently Greek to me, you know?
He also didnt want to correct Snyder on anything. Shannon was focused on delivering his vision unfettered.
Ive seen other actors that feel more comfortable kind of going in and screwing around with the script and the story, the star elaborated. But I, Ive never felt real comfortable with that unless theres something thats just glaringly nonsensical. I kinda keep my mouth shut, because Im not a writer. I cant write a screenplay to save my life. So I have a lot of respect for the script and, and I only go off it if Im encouraged to by the director.
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