Marvel Studios has transformed Benedict Cumberbatchs Doctor Strange into a worldwide icon, thanks director Scott Dericksons work on the Doctor Strange solo movie, as well as the Russo Bros. work on Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Like so many other Marvel characters that have made the leap from comic book page to screen, the look of Cumberbatchs Doctor Strange has become the look of the character in the minds of millions of fans; however, like every other major character in the MCU, that look took many revisions to get right. Now, thatnks to some new Marvel Studios concept art, fans can see just how different Doctor Strange couldve looked:
Unused Dr. Strange design from Dr. Strange. #drstrange Ryan Meinerding
The concept art comes from Ryan Meinerding, the Marvel Studios Head of Visual Development. As you can see, his take on Stephen Stranges transformation into Doctor Strange had a much different flavor to it. The color scheme of blue and gold isnt the traditional one that most fans imagine when they think of Doctor Strange, and the film was ultimately more accurate with the final design, in that respect.
The other clear difference is that Meinerdings version of Stranges costume emphasizes the far east cultural influences that we saw in the film. The Ancient Ones temple in Kamar-Taj is located in the Himalayas in the comics; and the film definitely kept that Asiatic culture aesthetic for the sequences of Strange studying the mystic arts. It would make sense, then, that the robes Strange wore in his superhero persona would carry that same cultural aesthetic.
As you can see from the comments on the picture, fans love this alternate take on Doctor Stranges costume. The great part about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that even though we didnt get this version of Doctor Stranges costume in the first film, theres plenty of room for it to debut in the next one, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Marvel has to move new merchandise with each new film, which is why theres almost always some kind of major character costume change, with every new film.
What do you think of this particular look for Benedict Cumberbatchs Doctor Strange? Let us know in the comments!
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