My Hero Academia is now getting into the big climatic battle of the Paranormal Liberation War arc and the moment that fans of the series have been awaiting since its start: the unleashing of Tomura Shigarakis terrible power. A Pro Hero strike force attempted a surprise attack on the lab where Shigrakis power was being boosted by All For Ones disciple, Dr. Ujiko. As the heroes attack leaves Shigarakis life in the balance, we also get to know a bit more about Dr. Ujiko (aka Kyudai Garaki), his origin, and the unique theory that could change the future of My Hero Academia: the Paranormal Singularity Theory.
WARNING! My Hero Academia Manga SPOILERS Follow!
In My Hero Academias previous chapter, Present Mic stormed Dr. Ujikos secret lab after Mirko was taken down, and tried to obliterated the stasis pod where Shigaraki was being worked on. While it seems that Shigaraki is down, Present Mic attempts to take Ujiko/Garaki into custody, so that the villain can stop his rampaging Nomu beasts. The mad scientist is utterly crushed, thinking that hes failed his master All For One in grooming his successor. Garaki laments how he was the one who first came up with the infamous quirk doomsday theory, which he refers to as the Paranormal Singularity Theory:
Seventy year ago, the world mocked me and my theory, Ujiko tells Present Mic. My Paranormal Singularity Theory. They said it was irrational nonsense based on weak evidence. Everyone ignored me. In those days when the world was struggling to end the turmoil and reclaim peace. Nobody wanted to hear about another terrible collapse in the far-off future.
Present Mic responds that nowadays, the Quirk Singularity Theory is considered fringe thinking reserved for cults.
Whats especially interesting about learning about Garakis original Paranormal Singularity Theory is that it also opens the door on the villains origin story. His theory got him laughed at and ostracized from society, setting him up to be seduced by All For One. That history also revealed a key secret about Garakis relationship with All For One, and the villains powers.

In terms of content, it seems fairly clear that the Paranormal Singularity Theory was the early precursor to the Quirk Singularity Theory. During My Hero Acadeamias Remedial Course Arc, it was explained that the theory predicts that as generations of quirk users partner and have children, the power of their quirks will increase exponentially in their offspring. Eventually, the power of quirks will spin out young users control, and consume the world.
Theres growing evidence in My Hero Academia that the One For All / All For One powers that Deku and Shigraki now carry (respectively) could be the fulfillment of Garakis doomsday theory and well soon find out if thats right, now that Shigaraki is awake!
My Hero Academia has finished airing season 4 of the anime on Hulu and Funimation. Online chapters of the manga can be found HERE.
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