The latest teaser for Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5 has been released, this time sent to the Twitter account @JackFrags. The video is a bit harder to discern than the previous two teasers, which hinted at the inclusion of trains, and the stadium possibly getting hit by some kind of missile. The newest video takes place one minute after the last video, and appears to show damaged security camera footage and a bright light. All in all, its a solid mystery, and it has Call of Duty: Warzone fans guessing about what the future might bring! Theres one thing all the teasers do have in common, though: each video seems to take place on August 5th.
New Vid I was sent a leak video for COD Warzone Season 5
Link ? @YouTubeGaming
JackFrags (@jackfrags) July 22, 2020
Are you a fan of Call of Duty: Warzone? What do you think about these Season 5 teases? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
Keep reading to find out what fans are saying about Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5!
We did see a helicopter heading towards the stadium in the first tease.
Its the reflection of a helicopter landing outside of the
arena.Funky Finger (@IIFunkyFingerII) July
22, 2020
There are a lot of theories bouncing around.
The first 2 characters of the season 5 warzone codes are
the grid locations of the map. 5G for stadium and 6D for train station.
Like 6D track 7, 5G tunnel 2 & 5G concert seat 3 or concession
corner seat 3? Also the grid can be used as a chess board. Steve
First Person Gaming (@LasaldudeGaming) July
23, 2020
Is the stadium getting destroyed?
Thats on the southern side of
StadiumLooking more and more like the stadium is
gonna get bombed Dark Knight style.Ryan ItsTrain
x ? (@YTItsTrain_x) July
22, 2020
The stadium and a nuke both seem to dominate a lot of theories.
Map changes in
season five.
I bet they open the stadium and launch a nuke out
of it ? #warzone
zachill ? (@ZacharyCadeHill) July
22, 2020
Some arent buying into the nuke theory, however.
Yeah I dont know how people always say that it was a nuke.
A nuke would definally blow half of the map if not the whole
thingLuis Fermin?? (@luisflow2413) July
22, 2020
Fans want to see these kinds of teases for other Call of Duty games.
I doubt its terminal and its probably another look at
stadium. Hopefully later we get teasers for non Warzone
contentNolan Rooney (@ConfusedRealm) July
22, 2020
Its fun to see the community guessing.
Yo imagine this
story for warzone s5:
At the being of season 5, the stadium
opens up and you can go in there.
Then at the mid season, a
nuke comes out from the stadium and hits the dam making verdansk a
nuclear wasteland which leads us into urzikstan.
Liam Smith (@317Smithy) July
22, 2020
No matter what happens, people seem to be digging the mystery!
I am enjoying the
teasers for Season 5 @CallofDuty
Going to be crazy!Matt ?Tiki Time? Tyndall
(@jmatttyndall) July
23, 2020
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