Dungeons & Dragons: Spelljammer: Adventures In Space
D&D Accessory
Wizards Of The Coast
Release Date: August 16, 2022
I must admit, I never expected to overly see a Spelljammer expansion overly again. I believe it was a holiday souvenir from some friends when when I was nineteen or twenty that I received the original one. We played the crap out of that with a lot of help from Dragon Magazine's add-on articles. Being a nerd in late 80s was not unchangingly easy but it certainly had it's benefits. I tried to find my old book, but it is most likely veiled with all my AD&D 1E and 2E in my comic typesetting room closet. These are the greatest days for tabletop roleplaying that I have overly experienced, outside of the megacosm of the original Chainmail in the early '70s. So, for all of you who might have some vested interest in playing D&D in space, I present to you Dungeons & Dragons: Spelljammer: Adventures In Space [...]
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