James Gunn has been working with Marvel Studios and DC Films for years and the standout moment of that time may not be what youd expect. When asked on Instagram about his greatest moment working with comics-based companies, Gunn revealed that it was the way The Suicide Squad cast and crew treated him after his dog died. The kindness with which I was treated by the entire crew and cast when my dog passed away on The Suicide Squad, Gunn says. I didnt think people would understand but they did. This happened in February, late in the production of The Suicide Squad. Production ceased for a time while Gunn dealt with the loss.
The clip clop of your toenails against the floor behind me was the soundtrack of my life, Gunn wrote on Instagram. For nearly seventeen years, you were with me. Ive spent more time with you than any other being on this planet. You lived with me across the world in Los Angeles, in London, in Malibu, in Atlanta. You roamed the sets of my films (and roamed into more than one shot). You were with me through my successes and failures, and you didnt care a whit about them, as long as I was there for a cuddle, a belly rub, a wrestle, a walk, or a treat. Every night you would fall asleep curled tightly against my side and every morning you would lick my calf good morning while I peed. When I had to be away in a hotel room and couldnt sleep, Id take a pillow from the bed and put it against my side and pretend it was you. It usually helped. Through a divorce and a chaotic single life and various relationships, you were my one true constant. And in my darkest hours, you were the slim tether of love and joy that kept me connected to this fragile life. To the world you were Dr. Wesley Von Spears, or Von Spears, but to me you were Wesley, and the best friend I ever had. I love you, buddy. Thank you for making me a better man.
Wesley passed away peacefully in my arms last week. The crew, cast, and studio were kind enough to allow me to shut down production in Panama and fly home to be with him. Although Jenn and I are both heartbroken, we know Wesley had an amazing, long life filled with people who loved him, and wise and compassionate veterinary care. Playful until the very end, he had come a long way from a stray, matted, snaggle-toothed puppy found wandering the streets of Carson City, California. Thank you to all of you, too numerous to mention, who helped make his life so wonderful and healthy. And, if you are so inclined, please consider making a donation to @SpayPanama to help dogs that dont have the same advantages Wesley had.
The Suicide Squad is on track for release in August 2021.
Photo by Anthony Harvey/Getty Images
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