Pokemon Go has added a brand new Pokemon and several new Shiny variant Pokemon to celebrate the beginning of Pokemon Go Fest. Today is the first day of Pokemon Go Fest, a global two day event celebrating Pokemon Go players. To celebrate the event, Pokemon Go has added Rotom and seven new Shiny Pokemon to its game for event participants to enjoy. Players with a Pokemon Go Fest ticket can get Wash Rotom (one of Rotoms five variant forms) by taking a snapshot of one of your Pokemon. If Wash Rotom appears in the picture, then it will spawn on the overworld map for players to capture.
In addition to Rotom, players also have the opportunity to get the Shiny versions of Unown, Qwilfish, Heatmor, Tangela, Durant, Jigglypuff, and Woobat to the game. Each of the new Shiny Pokemon appears in one of the events five special Habitats, with Qwilfish appearing during the Water hour, Heatmor appearing during the Fire hour, Tangela appearing during the Grass hour, Jigglypuff and Woobat appearing during the Friendship hour, and Durant appearing during the Battle hour.
Pokemon Go has also added several Costumed Pokemon for Pokemon Go Fest, all of which wearing Pikachu visors given away for the event. Players can get visor-wearing Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle during this weekends events.
Other perks for the event include the chance to capture Victini, special raids, and the appearance of rare Pokemon like Unown. Players who dont purchase a ticket for the event can still participate with a tie-in event featuring some of the Pokemon featured in the festivities.
Players can participate in Pokemon Go Fest by purchasing a ticket from Pokemon Gos in-game store. The event runs from 10 AM to 8 PM local time on both Saturday and Sunday.
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