It is 2020, and ThunderCats Roar is officially set to air on Cartoon Network. The comedic take on the ThunderCats franchise was announced to some significant backlash back in 2018, and it basically dropped off the face of the planet until recently. While the first half-hour special previously appeared on the Cartoon Network app, Saturday, February 22nd marks the first time that the series will actually air on the channel.
But thats not all! In addition to sharing when it would premiere, Cartoon Network also revealed that two new episodes will air the following week on Saturday, February 29th. You can check out the official titles and synopses for the new episodes below:
The Legend of Boggy Ben
Lion-O has gotten a hold of the last jar of Thundersnaps, the best cookies Thundera had to offer! But a difficult to open cookie jar is gonna send Lion-O and Cheetara chasing down a legend, a Boggy Ben-related legend.
Prank Call
Lion-O wants to prove to the ThunderKittens that hes not just some boring old adult, like Tygra, even if it means ignoring his instincts and messing with an obviously evil crystal.
What do you think of what weve seen of ThunderCats Roar? Have you had a chance to watch the show yet via the Cartoon Network app? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things animation!
Heres how the show was officially described when it was initially announced:
Staying true to the premise of the original series, Lion-O and the ThunderCats Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara, Wilykat, and Wilykit barely escape the sudden destruction of their home world, Thundera, only to crash land on the mysterious and exotic planet of Third Earth. Lion-O, the newly appointed Lord of the ThunderCats, attempts to lead the team as they make this planet their new home. A bizarre host of creatures and villains stand in their way, including the evil Mumm-Ra, Third Earths wicked ruler who will let nothing, including the ThunderCats, stop his tyrannical reign over the planet.
The two-part first episode of ThunderCats Roar is currently available to watch via the official Cartoon Network app. It is set to premiere on Cartoon Network, the TV channel, on Saturday, February 22nd, at 10:30am ET. You can check out all of our previous coverage of ThunderCats Roar right here.
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