Fans have been a bit surprised to discover that the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X editions of NBA 2K21 will retail for $69.99 in comparison to $59.99 for the current versions. 2K Games has issued a statement to Wccftech, clarifying the reasons behind the price increase. According to the company, the prices are meant to represent the value being offered. With the game featuring a number of improvements on next-gen hardware, its somewhat understandable, but fans arent quite happy to hear about it. Many took to social media to air their grievances with the company, and demand a lower price point to match the current versions of the game.
Are you excited for NBA 2K21? What do you think of the next-gen price increase? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
Keep reading to find out what fans are saying about NBA 2K21!
The timing isnt great for a lot of people.
So in the year we have the worst economy ever you guys are going raise game prices $10?!?
Michael Farris (@Farris214) July 3, 2020
Its definitely frustrating when microtransactions are taken into account.
So apparently the (rumored) NBA 2K21 Next Gen price is $69.99. This is not a price pattern I want an industry thats largely stayed at the same $59.99 price for the better part of the last 20 years to adopt. Especially 2K, a game that has an insane amount of micro transactions.
Bates Yoakum (@dropthebates) July 3, 2020
There are concerns that $70 could be a new standard.
The standard editions of NBA 2K21 are gonna be 70 bucks on launch for PS5 and Series X I realllllyy hope this doesnt mean a price raise for games come next gen
obama (@J0hnJohnJ0hn) July 2, 2020
Some understand the higher price, but not for NBA 2K21.
Does #NBA2K21 need a $70 price tag? Hell naw. Do AAA titles like Horizon Forbidden West or God of War 2 need them? $70 would be a steal.
Jake (@ThinMint117) July 3, 2020
Fans are really unhappy about it!
So it looks like #Take2Interactive is becoming an @EA like bad actor in the industry.
No Smart Delivery / free upgrade
Raising price for annualized game
Gross micro transactions
Reselling you the same game 3 timesFor shame. @2K @NBA2K @RockstarGames
Turn-Based Carl (@carlfreemerman) July 2, 2020
If prices are going up, some will wait to upgrade.
Given the news that NBA 2K21 will be $69.99, I think thats a sign for me to wait for that mid-gen Xbox Series X+. Until then this thicc Xbox one will have to do.
DLK (@DLKtheCreativ8r) July 3, 2020
It might be a dealbreaker.
@2Kgames I am NOT cool with you charging $69.99 for #NBA2K21. Ive been buying your games since #nba2k1 but I wont pay this much.
Josiah Glickstein (@Josiah_Glick) July 3, 2020
Some are a little more understanding, however.
my guess is that all next gen games are going to release at the 69.99 price point. Game prices have not gone up in over a decade so it was bound to happen at some point.
stayiowTTV (@staylow4Christ) July 2, 2020
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