One of the crew members on FBI: Most Wanted has tested positive for coronavirus. Deadline confirmed the news about the CBS crime drama on Thursday. Production on the show has been shuttered since March 12th. Most Wanted still had a few more episodes to finish production on as this season was set to be 16-episodes long. Dick Wolf Production and Universal TV said that some of the cast and crew had contact with the unidentified crewmember and got informed about the situation by Human Resources.
Lexi Alexander is the director on the show, and got the news Wednesday. She was very vocal about the situation on Twitter. Things have coalesced online after the events of last week, which saw travel limited and a couple of celebrities test positive as well. Within a half hour of a Utah Jazz basketball player getting his results, the NBA suspended their season and many other professional leagues followed suit. But, Most Wanted is definitely in a tricky spot as more testing is necessary to see just who else might have it.
A Human Resource person just called to tell me that someone on the crew of my last job tested positive for Covid 19, Alexander began on Twitter yesterday. Then she casually told me not to worry that Im probably not infected. Im furiousand as so many times in this industry, I dont know who to turn to.
She continued, AgainIm not worried about me. If every company downplays this in fear of lawsuits or because they have to carry medical expenses, we are not going to make it. Doesnt anybody get that? This isnt about individuals anymore.
A Human Resource person just called to tell me that someone on the crew of my last job tested positive for Covid 19. Then she casually told me not to worry that Im probably not infected. Im furiousand as so many times in this industry, I dont know who to turn to.
Lexi Alexander (@Lexialex) March 18, 2020
Here is another thing. She told me they are only calling the 6-10 people they thought had been in contact with this crew member, Alexander added. Excuse medo you not know how a virus works? If I was one of them, as the director, the entire crew and cast is now affected.
More of the situations are bound to come to light as the month continues. The NBA saw multiple other players test positive. Idris Elba came forward with his diagnosis as well. So, the question becomes, how to contain the virus before it spreads any further?
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