If youve seen any of the three John Wick movies, youll know the eponymous character kills plenty of people like so many people. So many, in fact, one fan theory is gaining some substantial steam online suggesting the entire universe is actually set within a video game. If were being honest, the theory itself starts making a whole lot of sense once you start digging into it. Shared to r/FanTheories by u/mantaraypreviouslife, the Wick video game has six pieces of supporting evidence.
First and foremost is the amount of people Wick (Keanu Reeves) manages to kill throughout the movies. For the vast majority of the movie, the retired assassin mows down one bad guy after another as everything blurs together and the bodies fall faceless. That is, of course, until Wick eventually comes across the big bad or, in the case of this theory, a final boss.
Then comes the movies near-silent fights. Virtually no dialogue is to be seen through the vast majority of the fights no quips, pokes, prods, or the like. One of the biggest pieces of supporting evidence is Wicks ability to seemingly self-heal throughout the duration of the series. Hell get stabbed or shot and moments later, its evident hes getting better almost as if the character finds a health pack off-screen.
The theory also points out the franchises use of gold coins as the ruling currency of the world, and thats not to mention the people in the background of the shootouts and fights apparently not caring about the action unfolding in front of them. You know, exactly like most NPCs would.
Finally, theres the placement of The Continental which, in this theory at least, would serve as the saving point for the video game. There, Wicks able to rest and recharge, in addition to picking up various supplies that will help him throughout the game. See, a pretty reasonable theoryright?
John Wick: Chapter 3 Parabellum is now streaming on HBO Now. The first two John Wicks are available wherever movies are sold.
What do you think of this fan theory believable or no chance in hell? Think it over and let us know your thoughts in the comments section or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt to chat all things Wick!
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