The CW has released the official synopsis for Theres A Place Where the Lost Things Go, the upcoming fourteenth episode of Legacies second season set to air on Thursday, March 12. The episode will see the students at the Salvatore School end up in a film noir world as a way of dealing recent trauma and tragedy and when it comes to that trauma, its fairly significant. Recent episodes have seen the Alaric Saltzman (Matthew Davis) and his daughters Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) end up in a prison world alongside the evil Kai Parker (Chris Wood), as well as seen Kai escape that prison world and Josie go full black magic in order to get herself and her family out.
Of course, even outside of the prison world, the characters have had to deal with a lot. There was the implosion of the prison world, something that seemingly killed Sebastian (Thomas Doherty) while Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) nearly died saving Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) from death by Golden Arrow. Theres also the little matter of Alaric beheading Kai, hopefully ending him and his evil forever though given how much showrunner Julie Plec wanted the return of Kai Parker who knows how that may shake out. Long before Woods return as the baddie, Plec spoke extensively about wanting to find a way to bring him back in the first place.
Its so rude of me and so presumptuous, but I am just going to keep layering in Kai Parker until Chris Wood feels like hes got no choice but to come back and play in our sandbox, Plec previously said. I would love nothing more than to see that character again. I think hed drop perfectly into this story line, even if we just got to see him in one episode. Im going to keep my fingers crossed and hope that I can make that work out one of these days.
Beheading does seem pretty final this time, though.
Beyond all that, though, just because the students are trying to deal with their trauma doesnt mean that things will go particularly well or without issue. It sounds like the film noir worlds game setup has major consequences if the group doesnt manage to truly deal with their issues. You can check out the official synopsis for the episode below.
CRACKING THE CASE In order to deal with their recent trauma, Emma (guest star Karen David) suggests the students participate in a group simulation that transports them to a film noir world. Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), MG (Quincy Fouse) and Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) quickly learn they must confront their conflicts head-on or risk facing the games catastrophic consequences. Matthew Davis also stars. Michael Karasick directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Mark Ryan Walberg.
Legacies airs Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW. Theres A Place Where the Lost Things Go airs March 12.
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