Between Hereditary and Midsommar, Ari Aster has safely established himself as one of the most boundary-shattering directors working today. Asters work in the horror genre has significantly entertained and creeped out his fans, and it sounds like that isnt stopping anytime soon. In a recent interview with UC Santa Barbaras Associated Students Program Board, Aster teased a bit of info regarding his future projects, particularly with one that he has just finished a new draft of. Aster described the project as a nightmare comedy, and teased that it will definitely not be for everyone.
All I know is that its gonna be four hours long, [and rated] over 17 [years of age], Aster teased.
Horror fans will surely be delighted by that news, both in the description of the project itself, and in the notion that its going to be four hours long. Aster is no stranger to longer cuts of his films, with a three-hour cut of Midsommar hitting theaters last July.
Of course, given the fact that Aster previously referred to Midsommar as an apocalyptic break-up movie, there is a chance that the terminology of nightmare comedy could go into some genuinely unexpected and upsetting directions. But to an extent, one of Asters film might not be complete without a lot of playing with audiences emotions.
The film is definitely mining the same vein as Wicker Man was working, but as a piece of folk-horror, its pretty irreverent in that it doesnt really stay comfortably on that route, Aster said of Midsommar in a previous interview. Thats why Im making sure to describe it as a fairytale. Its not a million miles away from something like Alice in Wonderland. Its a psychedelic film. But there are no solid [comparisons] that I can hand you. Im hoping that the film feels pretty singular and is a trip.
Outside of whatever this new film might be, Asters production company, Square Peg, is also working on a remake of the 2003 Korean sci-fi comedy Save the Green Planet!.
Are you excited to see Ari Asters next project? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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