Right now, there is no system hotter than the Nintendo Switch. The handheld hybrid is quite hard to find lately, thanks to demand for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and system shortages caused by the coronavirus pandemic. If one company has their way, however, the system will actually be impossible to come by. Peripheral manufacturer Gamevice has filed their second patent infringement case against Nintendo, claiming that Switch infringes on their Wikipad controller design, and asking for all imports of the system to cease. The previous case was dismissed by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, but Nintendo fans are furious that the company has once again made efforts to stop sales of Switch.
What do you think about Gamevices patent case? Are you a Nintendo Switch owner? Let us know in the comments or share directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
Keep reading to find out what Nintendo fans think about Gamevices recent patent infringement claim!
Fans are trashing the companys products on social media.
@Gamevice Your products are terrible and bear little resemblance to the greatness that is the Nintendo Switch. You should give up making peripherals, as you cant seem to get it right.
Jonathan Brown (@Jerichofr) April 6, 2020
Some are pointing to similar Nintendo products that predate the Wikipad.
@NintendoAmerica pull out the 3Ds Slide Pad / Circle Pad from 2011 and sue Gamevice for infringing with their wikipad from 2013
Playing Mantis (@PlayingMantis37) April 6, 2020
Many fans are arguing that Gamevice should have stopped at the first dismissal.
Cmon @Gamevice just take the L & go home leave @NintendoAmerica alone
R. Cruz (@RYE_N_CRUZ) April 4, 2020
A lot of posters are inundating Gamevices tweets with angry replies, as a result.
Why are you guys so dumb lmao. Hope nintendo buries you into the grave after this one.
Justin Lee (@Leejustin99) April 4, 2020
Gamevices whole argument does seem implausible.
Gamevice acting like I would ever actually purchase or use their products with or without Nintendo Switch is hilarious. https://t.co/QODSBkDtdj
Tomadom (@Tomadom64) April 3, 2020
Fans are encouraging others to boycott the company.
You lost to Nintendo once, youre going to lose again GIVE IT UP ALREADY. GameVice is nothing but a crappy company #BoycottGamevice
Robyn Wolph (@LegendOfZelda77) April 3, 2020
To be fair, a lot of controller designs are similar to one another!
@Gamevice is all like, Lets make a controller that has a four button layout like a Super Nintendos, has a D-Pad like a Nintendo Entertainment System, and has an analog stick like the one that first showed up on the Nintendo 64. Then lets sue Nintendo for copying us. ??
????? ?. ???????? (@JWTProgrammer) April 3, 2020
Some people do like the Wikipad, however.
I think Nintendo will be fine without me boycotting Gamevice. Regardless of the merits of lawsuits, the Gamevice is a well-designed, quality product that I enjoy.
John Voorhees (@johnvoorhees) April 3, 2020
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