The latest Nintendo Switch firmware update has been released. Version 10.1.0 is the first firmware update since 10.0.0 was released back in April, but Nintendo Switch owners might be disappointed to find that there isnt anything all that exciting in this latest update. According to Nintendo, the update includes system stability improvements to enhance the users experience. Full patch notes have yet to be released by the company, but it seems like Switch owners shouldnt expect anything too exciting from this one. The previous update gave users the ability to create custom controller configurations and added new profile icons, but it doesnt seem that this update is nearly as exciting!
Fortunately, Nintendo Switch owners have plenty of other things to get excited about this week! On July 15th, three retro releases will be added to the Nintendo Switch Online service: Immortal, Natsume Championship Wrestling, and Donkey Kong Country. The three latest additions to the service were announced last week, and the return of Donkey Kong Country seems to have quite a few fans excited! The 1994 platformer is one of the most famous games in Nintendo history, so it should be perfect for longtime fans and newcomers alike.
Of course, July 17th will also see the release of Paper Mario: The Origami King, as well. The latest entry in Nintendos long-running RPG spin-off sees the 2D version of the Mushroom Kingdom menaced by origami foes, including a very creepy take on Princess Peach! Nintendo showcased the game during a Treehouse Live broadcast held last week.
Beyond this week, it will be interesting to see what else Nintendo has in store! With E3 2020 cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, the company has no currently announced first-party games on the immediate horizon, and nothing has been revealed regarding the systems fall/winter line-up. Games like Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3, New Pokemon Snap, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 are all set to release sometime in the future on Switch, but no release windows have been announced, as of this writing. Rumors have persisted regarding Switch releases for a handful of 3D Mario games, but nothing concrete has been confirmed, at this time.
Were you hoping for a more substantial Nintendo Switch firmware update? Are you excited for Donkey Kong Country or Paper Mario: The Origami King? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!
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