South Park has always been a bit of a lightning rod for controversy, and the heat is back on this weekend after a couple of high-profile takes on Twitter. She-Hulk writer Dana Schwartz made the claim that the show has done a lot to damage American culture because of the ways it has encouraged fans to eschew earnestness. Her criticism stems from the sort of aloof nature that the show takes when tackling issues. Satire can be a shield at times and South Park wouldnt be the first show to brandish it. But, the creators recent apology over ManBearPig brought all these emotions out of the writer and then out of the fanbase at large. It wouldnt be long before people started slamming not only her but anyone who dared to question series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stones view of current events. Now, #MySouthParkMemories is trending on Twitter and it is a more positive moment for the show.
For Schwartzs comments in full, read on: She began, In retrospect, it seems impossible to overstate the cultural damage done by SOUTH PARK, the show that portrayed earnestness as the only sin and taught that mockery is the ultimate inoculation against all criticism.
Smugness is not the same as intelligence; provocation isnt the same as bravery, Schwartz continued. The lesser of two evils arent the same.
In retrospect, it seems impossible to overstate the cultural damage done by SOUTH PARK, the show that portrayed earnestness as the only sin and taught that mockery is the ultimate inoculation against all criticism
Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) February 13, 2020
She did note that the creators have been trying to address some of it. It seems lie South Park has been trying to reckon with thisI admit I havent been watching the show in recent seasons, but Im fascinated to see this:
To be clear, I dont blame the show itself as much as I do the generation of boys who internalized it into their personalities, Schwartz offered. Which maybe isnt the shows fault!
After some more comments flooded in, she concluded, My point was that South Park seemed to teach that it was always cooler to be reactionary and contrarian, and anyone who criticizes anything is offended and thats the *real* problem. Wonder if thats the message these fans absorbed.People saying they make fun of everyone!!! that is my point. South Park IS a political show, but one whose message is: both sides are equally terrible so the only correct thing to do is nothing, while mocking it all from your position of intellectual superiority.
Check out some of the best responses below:
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